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Year of the Metal Rat: Predictions for 2020



Article: LUCIS

The Year of the Metal Rat 2020 will be a year of new beginnings! New opportunities, love, and money. 2020 is going to be successful!

The Rat is the first sign from the 12 animals cycle of the Chinese Zodiac, and for this reason, this time period is considered a year of new beginnings and renewals.

The years of the Rat are: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, and 2032.

The Metal Rat Year is going to be a strong, prosperous, and lucky year for all chinese zodiac signs. Everyone will show determination regarding their goals, aspirations, and even their hobbies. This is a great year for founding and evolving.

Those who plan to buy real estate, to start a business or to invest money in a long-term project have great chances of being satisfied in the future.

But, beware! This type of initiatives will only be successful if they are carefully planned.

The beginning of the year, the first days of February are extremely bright and full of motivation. We’ve received as a gift a new, clean, fresh year, with no mistakes and no regrets.

The Year of the Rat is going to bring us creative energy, an energy which can manifest by fulfilling plenty of things you wish in your life.

You will have the surety that everything is possible, that you are the creator of your own life and that yes, you have the power to be whoever you want to be.

RAT: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

zodiac rat, year of metal rat

As 2020 – the year of Metal Rat comes, you people under the Rat sign will usher in the Ben Ming Nian (animal year of birth). In Chinese folklore, Ben Ming Nian means the clash with Tai Sui, the Grand Commander of the Year, thus your luck will be full of ups and downs and you will encounter many difficulties throughout the year. So be cautious in everything and get prepared for the baptism of trials and hardships. Especially in terms of personal health, you will be prone to illness due to the interference of many inauspicious stars and need to be more careful about it. It’s better wear a red rope bracelet or red agate bracelet with Rat sign to decrease the bad effect of Fan Tai Sui and bless the whole family with happiness and good luck.


In Ben Ming Nian, your fortune is doomed to be unstable and your luck for career will not be quite improved. Instead, you will come up against many difficulties and obstacles. If you are a wage earner, you will be less satisfactory in work performance and find your work rather unstable and change a lot. The reason for this is that you are less competent and always get half the results with double the effort, making it difficult to carry out tasks smoothly. You should try to improve your ability and skills. If you are in management, your luck for career will be slightly better and may get promoted under the blessing of the auspicious stars like Sui Jia and Jiang Xing. 

Your luck in making money can be plain. For wage earners under Rat sign, you may find it hard to get more money due to the effect of career and need to focus on saving and the balance of income and outlay. For those Rats in management, you will accumulate a considerable amount of money and become quite blessed in income from work with the support of two auspicious stars, namely Sui Jia and Jin Kui.


In the year 2020, your luck for love relationship can be ordinary. If you are single, you will be popular among the opposite sex yet less blessed in starting a relationship since most of them do not fit you. If you are already in a relationship or married, your luck in this aspect can be unstable and full of changes. On one hand, the blessing of auspicious stars will facilitate your relationship with your lover and create harmony between you; on the other hand, the inauspicious star Xian Chi will make you live in two places, lack of communication and slight each other, leading to conflict and blow-up.



On the whole, health will be the most concerned issue for you people born in Rat years. In addition to the clash with Tai Sui, you will be affected by several inauspicious stars, of which Xue Ren and Jian Feng will be the most influential and can lead to quarrel and fight with others, and even accidents or disasters of blood. Due to the poor luck for career, you may go home with the bad mood at work, and often feel tense, stressed and dejected, which can be harmful to your physical and mental health.
OX:1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

zodiac ox, year of metal rat

In 2020, you Oxen’s luck will take a turn for the better in every aspect, especially career and wealth. In particular, your love relationship will be improved a lot and the depression in last year will be dissolved, as if the clouds are dispelled to reveal the sun. In terms of health, you may come across some minor illness and need to be careful about it since health is the foundation of everything; otherwise, you will harm no one but yourself. 


As for career, you Ox people will be luckier than the last year which is quite bumpy for you as you have disappointed your boss due to the poor performance in several projects. In 2020, however, everything will change and you will get more and more luck, work with high proficiency in the familiar spheres and win recognition from your boss.

For people born in the Ox years, luck for wealth can be lackluster. The income from work can be good and you may expect a promotion and pay rise just round the corner with the considerably advanced career. In this way, you will accumulate wealth and save a considerable amount of money. Still, you need to broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure, as you will consume more; do not be blinded by temporary money and think twice for the purchase of luxury. 


Compared with the last year, your luck for love relationship will be better. For single Oxen, you should pay more attention to the people around; sometimes you are not supposed to be single, you just can’t see the love around and once you do, you will find the true love is near. For married Ox people, you have quarreled a lot last year about petty things and your relationship has been seriously affected by it.

Rating:When it comes to health, you need to keep an eye on blood pressure and blood sugar problems caused by the living habits like sweet tooth and lack of exercise. You’d better do more exercise in 2020, which will make you feel better and benefit your health. In addition, pay attention to the psychological aspect. In 2020, you may encounter unhappy things and don’t think too much or push you too hard; make more time to get together with friends and talk with each other, and then you will enjoy both physical and mental health.

TIGER: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

zodiac tiger, year of metal rat

In 2020 which is the year of Metal Rat, you Tigers will not conflict, restrict or generate with Tai Sui – the legendary God in charge of people’s fortune in the year and your overall luck can be stable. Generally speaking, your career can be barely satisfactory and you may encounter some minor problems and hardships; as long as you face difficulties without fear, you will change the course. In addition to the good results in wealth, you will also be blessed in love relationship and lead a more entertaining romance life since Tiger is well-known for being affectionate. As for health, you will be even healthier as long as you do more fitness and get rid of bad habits.

For people born in Tiger years, your luck for career can be average in the year 2020 – neither too bad nor improved greatly. The main reason for this is that there are too many cumbersome tasks at work which can prevent you from carrying out work and be bad for you to develop the cause. If you are a wage-earner, the work performance may be unsatisfactory due to the limited competence, inefficiency and failure to do your work well. 

In general, your luck for wealth can be satisfactory. Despite the hardships in career, your wage income will not be affected too much and your luck for income from work will keep an uptrend. At the same time, your luck for windfall will be pretty good and almost no loss but good returns will occur to your investment. This year, you may gather more with friends and relatives, and spend a lot on this. 


You Tigers will be blessed in love relationship and you will start a relationship in 2020 if you are single now. If you yield nothing in love relationship last year, you will get romantically involved with someone familiar. For married Tiger people, 2020 can be a happy year for you to enjoy concord and you will listen to each other for everything, making others admire a lot.

For you people under the Tiger sign, 2020 means poor luck for health and some of the living habits should be given up, such as no high-fat and high-calorie food, no smoking and alcohol, and no keeping fit with an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, you should pay attention to cholesterol and blood pressure problems. In addition to daily fitness and regular check-up, you should also keep an eye on a balanced diet with nutrition.

RABBIT: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

zodiac rabbit, year of metal rat

The earthly branch of Rabbit will torture that of Tai Sui in 2020, the year of Metal Rat. As a result, you Rabbit people will suffer from wagging of tongues, disputes, damaged career, hindered luck in making money and multiple diseases or disasters. In particular, your career and wealth will decline a lot due to the impact of inauspicious stars, which will even implicate your health. You will confront many challenges, whether at work or in life and should gather your strength to face the difficulties positively in this year. 


For people under the Rabbit sign, your luck for career can be very poor in 2020 due to the great impact of torturing Tai Sui and your career will be on the downgrade. If you are a salary-earner, your performance can be instable as you just cannot throw yourself into work actively; affected by the inauspicious star Guan Suo, you will find it hard to show your capabilities due to the bounds of management. For you Rabbits in management, career can be also less satisfactory as you will become bad-tempered, impatient, irritable and harsh to the subordinates due to the inauspicious star Tang Ren, which can make you lose the support. 

In view of the ordinary luck for wealth, you Rabbits can hardly accumulate too much wealth and find it difficult to get returns thru investment under the impact of inauspicious stars. Therefore, you have to do solid work and expect more pay from the progress in work. Due to the punishment of Tai Sui and the inauspicious star Tang Ren, the auspicious star in charge of wealth is blocked, leading to more risks in financial investment.

Your luck in love relationship will be slightly better than that in other aspects and less subject to the punishment of Tai Sui. Blessed by the auspicious star Hong Luan in charge of love relationship, you will be more blessed, no matter single or married. For single Rabbits, you will be more charming and popular with the opposite sex, and get the chances to start a relationship. 

Luck for health can be also poor for you people born in the Rabbit years. Though the impact of torturing Tai Sui is less serious, the inauspicious stars do affect you a lot. For example, Yang Ren will make you impatient and irritable, which will be bad for your health. Besides, Gou Shen will make you tired, out of spirits and absent-minded, thus prone to accidents.

DRAGON: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

zodiac dragon, year of metal rat

Dragon people will see the significantly improved overall fortune in 2020 and can be blessed in both career and love. In this regard, you should seize the opportunity to progress. Though your wealth will not change considerably, you can still save as desired as long as you keep the habit of managing money matters and don’t spend money extravagantly. On the other hand, you Dragons should make good use of the good luck to find new opportunities and do things you’ve never thought about in daily life, so as to make your life colorful and interesting. Once you make the right choices, you will be able to make progress. 

Being aggressive and intelligent by nature, you don’t need to worry about your career at all and can achieve something as long as you act upon your feelings. Over the past year, the trivial matters have caused a crisis in the career of you people under the Dragon sign, which encourages your fear. In 2020, you can be the good self without being bothered by trivial problems and expect good luck for career. Nevertheless, do not become complacent because of the recovered career fortune.

Due to the picking up of career in 2020, you can generally expect good luck in making money and should create better conditions to improve the luck for wealth. In addition to the hard work, you can try new ways, such as part-time jobs and contests which you refused to do in the past, if you want to get more wealth; as long as you are willing to do it, you will certainly get good results with your talent. 

Dragon people, either single, in love or married, are blessed in love relationship this year and you will maintain a good relationship. If you are single, you will get the chance to find the like-minded right one and start a good relationship due to the pretty good luck. If you are in love or married, however, the luck will be ordinary because you are too possessive and aggressive and rule your partner with a rod of iron, making the latter dissatisfied with you. 

For people born in the Dragon years, luck for health can be plain in 2020 and you will be prone to minor illness in daily life. As a result, you should keep an eye on your health and never take youth as the excuse to act recklessly and care for nothing. Put your health first in any situation. You can wear a green agate bracelet with Dragon sign to keep good healthy in 2020.

SNAKE: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

zodiac snake, year of metal rat

In 2020, the year of Metal Rat, Tai Sui belongs to water in Five Elements while Snake belongs to fire, so you people of Snake sign will be controlled by Tai Sui – the legendary God who is in charge of people’s fortune in the year and feel unlucky in all aspects, especially in career and love relationship. In terms of career, your work will go on very well and you will see limited space for personal development and little scope for your abilities. It will take a lot more work to change the situation. As for love relationship, you Snakes will feel being held up, especially if you are single – failure to start a relationship, missing the right one, and obstacles in your path.

Little progress will be made in the career of people under the Snake sign in 2020, and even some difficulties will occur to you. For wage earners, you will find it hard to break through the present situation in your career this year. You may choose to temporarily shift your focus of work and start from petty things; if you can make every detail perfect, you can achieve great things.


With stable luck for wealth this year, certain breakthrough other than considerable change will happen when compared with last year. In terms of income from work, you will get stable and impressive wage earnings. From the perspective of windfalls, you will get a lot of investment returns from your reasonable financial means, unique vision, good grasp of opportunities, as well as help and guidance of professionals. Despite the good earnings, your personal expenses will also increase compared with previous years. 

Love can be not ideal in this year, especially for Snakes already romantically involved because you may experience a crisis in love. Unattached Snakes will not be blessed in love relationship this year and even if you have a crush on someone, you may end up nowhere, run into snags when pursuing him/her and find it hard to be in a relationship. 

Health will be fine for you people born in those Snake years and nothing serious but little minor problems will happen. In general, you will keep a sound health. However, do not treat it lightly in daily life; instead, you are expected to watch your body and seek medical advice in time as long as you feel a bit unwell. Never be too confident in your body and delay the illness, otherwise it will worsen and affect your health.

HORSE: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

zodiac horse, year of metal rat

The earthly branch of Horse will conflict with the heavenly stem of Rat in 2020. As a result, you people born in those Horse years will be in conflict with Tai Sui – Grand Duke Jupiter, just like no intercourse between water and fire. Affected by the conflict with Tai Sui, your fortune in all aspects will change a lot and even decline. What’s more, you Horses will be afflicted by several inauspicious stars and see one after another disaster. Because of this, every aspect, either career or daily life, can be gloomy, and even your health will be inevasible from it. In general, 2020 can be an unlucky year for you people of Horse sign. It’s better to wear a red agate San He bracelet for Horse to decrease the bad effect of conflicting with Tai Sui and bless the whole family with happiness and good luck in 2020.


The career of you Horse people will be on the slide in 2020 and the inauspicious star Tian Ku will make you labor hard yet get little avail. Due to the inauspicious stars, you can become unsociable and eccentric, find it hard to assimilate into the working environment, and alienate with your coworkers. If you do not offer help when others are in need, you will get no help when you are in trouble, so train your collective spirit, be kind to others, and get along with your colleagues.


Horses will have little luck for money in 2020. The unsmooth career will naturally affect your wage earnings, so your income from work will be unstable. In addition, the inauspicious star Da Hao in charge of money loss will make it hard for you to save money and even lead to a bankruptcy. You may encounter problems which require money to fix. 

Love relationship can be also unstable for Horse people, either in love or in marriage. You may find each other less affectionate due to the lack of communication and even fall in a cold war and suffer from lovesickness. Affected by the inauspicious star Tian Ku, you may become more unsocial and unsmooth in love, and even get on bad terms with your family. 

This year, health can be particularly unsatisfactory for you Horse people. The conflict with Tai Sui and the impact of several inauspicious stars will make the overall situation very bad – Lan Gan means unexpected disasters, Da Hao means weakness and health issues while Tian Ku will make you heavyhearted, emotional and bothered by the burden of life; the considerable stress, if not vented properly, will lead to a disaster and you will be threatened by growing crisis.

GOAT/SHEEP: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

zodiac goat/sheep, year of metal rat

Sheep is a sign harming the Tai Sui (a kind of clashing with Tai Sui) and affected by several inauspicious stars in 2020 which is the year of Metal Rat, thus you people under this sign will see unstable fortune, sometimes good and sometimes bad, in all aspects. Throughout the year, your career will suffer most from the above, mainly impacted by the inauspicious star Bao Bai, and it might be stagnant for a while. Moreover, wealth and career are somewhat parallel, so you will have little luck for money due to career. In terms of health, Sheep people often feel sick because of the great pressure at work. Fortunately, love can be smooth this year and you may encounter many happy things in this aspect, which can comfort you a little. 

Many crises can happen to the career of people under Sheep sign, among which the most affected will be the working class. If you are a wage earner, you will find it hard to make great progress because of the inauspicious star Bao Bai, and the probability of salary increase and promotion will be also dim; a lot of troubles in work and the poor working status will make you unable to be fully committed but often criticized and reprimanded by the superior, and may even lose your job.


In 2020, you Sheep people’s luck for wealth can be very bad. You will find almost no way to make money and your earning will fall far short of the expected. In terms of investment and financial management, you can hardly make great gains due to the lack of patience and the greed for small profits. At the same time, your personal desire will lead to huge expenditure and failure to be industrious and thrifty can easily make you live beyond your income. 

The auspicious star Zi Wei in charge of love relationship will bring you good luck to this aspect. Your relationship will get deeper and stronger and you will trust and love each other, and jointly withstood the test brought about by harming the Tai Sui. Some of single Sheep will be quite popular among the opposite sex and have many admirers from which you may meet the right one to start a relationship.


You Sheep people will be in general condition and the fluctuation will not be harmful. The hard time at work, however, will inevitably affect your mood and make you in low spirits, thus affecting both physical and mental health. You are suggested to adjust your mindset, keep a positive and optimistic attitude, lighten your burden properly, ease your mood and go out in spare time to relax.

MONKEY:  1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

zodiac monkey, year of metal rat

Since Monkey and Rat are in the same group of three animal allies (San He 三合), you people born in the Monkey years can expect a smooth and flat year in 2020. In particular, everything will go well with your career, which will bring you more fortune. Besides, you will be in sound health and free from serious illnesses. In a word, Monkeys will be blessed in all aspects except love relationship.


In 2020, Monkey people’s career will be improved and everything in your work will be satisfactory and develop in a better direction. In this year, you entrepreneurs of Monkey sign will have a good start and most of you can get a place in the industry with intense competition by virtue of your agile business mind. At the same time, you will be supported by many people to make your way of entrepreneurship even smoother. For wage earners of Monkey sign, you will have good luck for career, work in a more efficient way and win the recognition of your boss with excellent personal performance. 

Monkeys will be especially blessed by the God of Wealth and the auspicious stars in 2020. Therefore, you will experience a spell of good fortune and feel quite lucky in terms of both income from work and windfall. Driven by the cause, your wage income will be improved and you will get the desired remuneration. In addition, the advice given by many experienced elders around and your gift in learning and perception will bring you a lot of unexpected wealth from investment and financial management. 

Love relationship can be the least blessed aspect for you people of Monkey sign, especially if you are romantically involved and you may encounter certain problems. If you are unattached, love relationship may not develop well due to the ordinary luck with the opposite sex and your restrained personality; since you can not muster up courage to pursue the one you love, others may take the lead and you will find it hard to start a relationship. 

Nothing serious will happen to your health yet the busy work may cause certain minor illness which will not affect you too much. Since your focus of life will be mainly on career, you may neglect your health and suffer from some minor illnesses due to excessive stress. Therefore, you are suggested to alternate work with rest in daily life, get more rest and relax properly rather than push yourself too hard.

ROOSTER: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

zodiac rooster, year of metal rat

In 2020, you people of Rooster sign will damage Tai Sui – the legendary God in charge of people’s fortune in the year, so the overall fortune can be unstable. Career will be the best aspect in this year and you can scale new heights and accomplish something under the blessing of auspicious stars; the unfavorable luck for wealth will require you to watch more about your money; despite the luck in love relationship, you need to keep an eye on the unfavorable one when starting a relationship. As for health, damaging Tai Sui will cause you in poor health, so be careful in daily life.


With the help of the auspicious star Tang Fu, you Roosters will see greater advance in career than last year, may suddenly make a rise in life and get great power. Even if you are a petty clerk, you can bob up again like a cork, get both promotion and salary rise and make a difference in your main occupation. However, this will require you to devote more to career, actively complete the tasks assigned by your superior and keep a good relationship with colleagues.


You people born in Rooster years will be less blessed in wealth during the year of 2020. Wage income can be fine and your income will not decline so seriously due to the good start of career. But the income from other sources can be unfavorable and you may probably go bankrupt. 2020 will not be a good year for starting up business in view of your poor luck and you will find it hard to get the desired results; on the other hand, you may meet someone with a sinister plot and your luck for wealth may be affected if you choose such people as your partner. 

Nothing special will happen to the love of you Rooster people – neither intense relationship nor breaking up. This year, you may get quite popular with the opposite sex but find it hard to crush on someone; what’s more, you might be caught in an undesired relationship once you are careless, so keep an eye on choosing a partner.

Due to damaging Tai Sui – Grand Duke Jupiter or Grand Commander of the year, inauspicious stars such as Jiao Sha and Fu Shi will cause you in poor health. Jiao Sha will mainly bring some disasters, which means you should avoid the accident-prone areas or outdoor activities in daily life and be careful about unforeseen disasters when working outside.

DOG: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

zodiac dog, year of metal rat

Dog people will be generally in ordinary luck in 2020. But you need to manage money matters properly and do not spend extravagantly, because ordinary fortune does not mean nothing will happen. On the contrary, unexpected incidents may cost you a lot of money, so don’t wait until you spend money to find that you are already as poor as a church mouse. This year, you people of Dog sign should pay special attention to health and be very careful when driving or walking outside.


Compared with the last year, nothing special will happen to your career, so do not take chances to switch jobs. In general, job-hopping is stupid when you are less blessed in career. Therefore, you’d better work well in the original position and the most important thing is to do the immediate work well – only in this way can you be capable to seek a better job. 

As for wealth, you people born in the Dog years may see the ordinary, even decline trend and be vulnerable to personal financial losses. But don’t worry too much about it – the situation will not be as bad as death and destruction but losing little money. According to Feng Shui theory, it is good to suffer unexpected financial losses but forestall calamity. Throughout the year, you’d better not gamble or buy lottery tickets. It doesn’t matter if you do it for fun occasionally.

Dogs will be blessed in love relationship in the year of 2020. If you are married, your marriage will be further improved and be free from quarrels; if you are single or unattached, you may meet the right one, so seize the opportunity to go out more, make more friends and meet more people to increase the probability. Though you will get more popular with the opposite sex, you should not dally with others; otherwise karma will punish you and someone else will hurt you when you hurt others. 

In view of the poor luck for health in 2020, you people of Dog sign need to be very careful when going out, or you may easily have an accident. You will be prone to accidental injuries rather than diseases. For women under Dog sign, you should not walk alone at night but be cautious in everything; for men of Dog sign, pay attention to the safety when you are driving.

PIG: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

zodiac pig, year of metal rat

People of Pig sign will be like lucky dogs in 2020. Blessed by the auspicious star Jiang Xing, you will be quite lucky in both career and wealth, as if supported by God. However, love relationship will not be so lucky but ordinary and it depends on good luck for you to meet the right one! Health will be what you need to care about most because this is the least blessed aspect. Do not neglect health for the sake of work but lay equal stress on both to achieve success. In short, the overall trend of Pigs will be very good in 2020. Do seize the opportunity because such a chance cannot be missed. Success often lies in a specific point, so make sure you will take the chance. 

Quite blessed in career, you people born in Pig years will be at the pinnacle of career, so seize the opportunity and never waste the good luck for career. Try more different jobs, you will find the suitable one unexpectedly. In terms of face reading, you Pig people are the pronoun of Straight A student and elite as you are very smart and most suitable for starting up business.


Pigs will be very lucky in making money and get great benefits in stock investments. But you should control your desire to spend money. Otherwise, you will fail to balance out income and costs and save no money. In addition to investment, you will also have a chance to get windfall from buying lottery tickets, picking up money or being thanked for doing boldly what is righteous. In a word, do more good deeds and accumulate luck to be more blessed in wealth and to get help from others.


Love relationship will also be blessed for you people of Pig sign and you can feel at ease about it. Assisted by the auspicious star Tian Xi, you single Pigs will be more likely to start a relationship and get more popular with the opposite sex. Even so, you cannot completely focus on love relationship but lay equal stress on work and love because bread is the foundation of love and happiness. 

Health will be less satisfactory for Pigs in 2020 and you may suffer from a serious illness which is intense and irresistible. But don’t fuss too much about it as it is not an incurable disease like cancer but can be very torturous and painful. Do not lose heart, be confident and keep delighted. Only in this way can you recover better and faster.