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Northwestern Visayan Colleges gears up for 72nd Foundation Day, College Fest



For 72 years, the Northwestern Visayan Colleges (NVC) persistently equips its learners with capabilities they require to become globally competitive, economically productive, environmentally responsible, and morally upright. 

Providing quality education to everyone regardless of age, creed, gender or economic status is no easy feat so it is only fitting that they celebrate what has been achieved over the past 72 years and reflect on the commitment, resilience and dedication that the founding fathers had displayed to see their vision of a high quality institute of higher learning come to reality.

This year’s NVC Sweetheart, Her Majesty Queen Mia Pascual. Photo Courtesy of Sasi Creatives

For these reasons, NVC will celebrate its 72nd Foundation Day and College Festival on February 26-28, 2020 with the theme: “Greater Strides at 72; Aim for Excellence and Resilience”.

This year’s three-day celebration will commence with a Thanksgiving Mass which will be held at the Rustico S. Quimpo (RSQ) Grounds at 8 o’clock in the morning of February 26. 

A series of activities that will showcase NVCians’ excellence and fortitude follows with the ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the Exhibit of Different Departments.

His Highness King Rhandel Dave Dimo, NVC King of Hearts 2020. Photo Courtesy of SaSi Creatives

One of this year’s highlights is the Miss NVC Sweetheart and King of Hearts Grand Coronation Night which will be held on the night of Feb. 26 at the NVC CSQ Gymnasium, Capitol Site, Kalibo, Aklan.

To give tribute for their support to the vision and mission of the institution, a special production depicting the Barter of Panay will be presented in honor of Her Majesty Queen Mia Pascual and His Highness King Rhandel Dave Dimo, together with their royal court.

Following is the schedule of events:

FEBRUARY 26, 2019, (Wednesday)        
8:00 –
9:00 AM
Thanksgiving MassRustico S. Quimpo (RSQ) Grounds
9:00 –
10:00 AM
Ribbon-Cutting for the exhibit of different
RSQ Grounds
10:00 –
12:00 NN
Film Showing (Business Ethics) by the Business Administration (BA) DepartmentAudio-Visual Room, RSQ Building
10:00 – 5:00 PMOpen house by the Elementary DepartmentDon Vicente Salas
(DVS) Ground Floor
10:00 – 5:00 PMBusiness Trade by the BA DepartmentRSQ Grounds
1:00 – 5:30 PMLanguage Literature by the College of EducationAudio-Visual Room, RSQ Building
1:00 –
5:00 PM
Teaching Demo Festival by the College of
ASQ Function Hall
1:00 –
5:00 PM
Film Showing (Advance Technology) by the
Computer Science Department
DVS Multi-Media
7:00 –
10:00 PM
Coronation Program in honor of
Miss NVC Sweetheart & King of Hearts 2020
CSQ Gymnasium
FEBRUARY 27, 2019, (Thursday)
8:30 –
11:00 AM
Film Showing (Advance Technology) by the
Computer Science Department
DVS Multi-Media
8:00 –
12:00 NN
Business Trade by the BA DepartmentRSQ Grounds
8:00 –
12:00 NN
Skills Expo 2020 by the Hospitality Management
RSQ Alumni Hall
– 2:30 PM
Assembly Time for ParadeHotel Carmen
2:30 –
3:00 PM
Start of ParadeHotel Carmen
– 4:00 PM
Parade and review in honor of Miss NVC
Sweetheart & King of Hearts 2020
Kalibo Pastrana Park
– 5:00 PM
Opening Program and Playground
Kalibo Pastrana Park
– 10:00 PM
Teatro “Engkanto Realito”CSQ Gymnasium
FEBRUARY 28, 2019, (Friday)
Time FrameActivityLocation
4:30 AM
-12:00  NN
Go Green Run 2020 by NVC-JJCFrom CSQ Gymnasium to Bakhawan Eco Park
7:30 AM  –12:00 NNFamily Day by the Elementary DepartmentCSQ Gymnasium        
–11:30 AM
Treasure Hunt Version 1.0 by the Junior
High School Department
CSQ Gymnasium
(Outside Grounds)      
8:00 AM
–12:00 NN
English Day Celebration 2020 by the Junior High School DepartmentDVS Building
8:00 AM
–12:00 NN
Business Trade by the BA DepartmentRSQ Quadrangle
8:00 AM
– 12:00 NN
Tanglaw Ng Wika by the College of EducationAVR RSQ Building
1:00 PM 
– 3:00 PM
Blood Letting Activity by the Criminology
Criminology Building
1:00 PM
– 5:00 PM
Laro Ng Lahi by the Supreme Student
CSQ Gymnasium
(Outside Grounds)
3:00 PM
– 5:00 PM
Awarding & Closing CeremonyCSQ Gymnasium

For more details, you may call the Office of Community Affairs at 262-3439, 268-5153 and 500-8665.